In a spirited tribute to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose on his birth anniversary, Union Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Sports, Smt. Raksha Nikhil Khadse, led the ‘Jai Hind’ Padyatra in Shree Vijyapuram, Port Blair. The event, organized as part of the Parakram Diwas celebrations, honored Netaji’s remarkable contributions to India’s freedom movement and his vision for a progressive nation.
The Padyatra spanned approximately 5 kilometers, starting from Flag Point and concluding at Netaji Stadium. It saw enthusiastic participation from around 1,500 MY Bharat Youth Volunteers and youth leaders. The event aimed to instill patriotism and reverence for the sacrifices of India’s freedom fighters.
A variety of activities were organized to engage and inspire the youth, including competitions in painting, essay writing, and quizzes. Cultural performances such as group songs and traditional dances celebrated the ideals and legacy of Netaji. A photo exhibition showcasing his life journey and stalls displaying local handicrafts added vibrancy to the celebrations. Prominent youth leaders were also honored for their contributions to nation-building.
The event witnessed participation from Army officers and their families, symbolizing the enduring connection between Netaji’s legacy and India’s defense forces.
This Padyatra was the fifth in a series of 24 planned events commemorating 75 years of the Indian Constitution and celebrating the country’s cultural diversity. Speaking at the event, the Union Minister expressed her pride in being part of this historic occasion and commended the MY Bharat volunteers for their efforts in promoting patriotism and preserving India’s heritage.
She emphasized the importance of Netaji’s ideals in shaping the nation’s future and applauded the youth for their enthusiasm and active participation in honoring the legacy of one of India’s greatest freedom fighters.