Mohan Yadav, the surprise choice for Madhya Pradesh’s top job, was officially sworn in as the state’s 19th Chief Minister on Wednesday. The ceremony, held at Bhopal’s Lal Parade Ground, saw Yadav take the oath of office and secrecy alongside his two deputies, Jagdish Devda and Rajendra Shukla. The ceremony…
Category: News
Lok Sabha 2024: Beyond Numbers, a Clash of Dreams and Visions
With victories in three recent state elections, the BJP-led NDA has set the stage for the 2024 Lok Sabha battle. But will they secure a national majority? A Times Now-ETG survey sheds light on the potential outcome, revealing stark regional divides. While the survey predicts an overall NDA majority, the…
Parliament security lapse: Do the four accused know each other?
Wednesday’s Parliament security lapse sent shockwaves across the nation as two individuals infiltrated the Lok Sabha via the visitor’s gallery, igniting yellow smoke and sparking pandemonium. While apprehended, their potential ties raise lingering questions. Delhi Police sources whisper rumors of a shared acquaintance between the four detained individuals, a woman…
Madhya Pradesh’s new Chief Minister’s orders
First, loudspeakers at religious and public places must be muted, capped at 55 decibels to combat noise pollution. Violators face legal action. Second, open-air meat sales are banned, aiming for hygiene and religious sensitivity. Again, legal consequences await transgression. Reactions are mixed. Some applaud the measures for addressing noise and…
Premchand Bairwa’s political journey: Deputy CM Rajasthan
Premchand Bairwa, a Dalit leader from Rajasthan’s Dudu constituency, has embarked on a remarkable political journey, culminating in his recent appointment as Deputy Chief Minister. His story is one of dedication, perseverance, and breaking barriers. Born in 1974 and holding a PhD from Rajasthan University, Bairwa’s political aspirations began with…
Delhi-NCR Debri Crisis: Pollution Soars, CSE Report Shocks
A new report by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has revealed a major concern – Delhi and its surrounding areas contribute to a staggering 70% of the total debris generated by 131 Indian cities. This startling figure paints a grim picture of pollution and mismanagement in the region….
Adani or Dheeraj Sahu: Who’s the Bigger Robber?
The first issue is the recovery of cash worth Rs 351 crore in the Income Tax Department’s raid on the premises of Congress MP Dheeraj Sahu. Congress said that this was India’s biggest economic crime after 1947. The second issue is the alleged collusion of the government with the Adani…
Amit Shah: Article 370 Abrogation Upheld by Supreme Court
Amit Shah Ji’s Speech in Rajya Sabha on Article 370 On December 11, 2023, Union Home Minister Amit Shah delivered a speech in Rajya Sabha on the abrogation of Article 370. He began his speech by thanking the Supreme Court for its verdict upholding the government’s decision. Shah then went…
Vishnudev Sai: From Tribal Leader to Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh
Tribal face Vishnudev Sai becomes the new Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh main point: In Chhattisgarh, the BJP legislature party chose Vishnudev Sai as its leader. Sai is the MLA from the Kunkari assembly seat. He has been the state president of the BJP twice. He was also a minister in…
Chief Minister: The Inspiring Story of Vishnudev Sai
Chhattisgarh’s new Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai: New beginning with tribal face BJP achieved a massive victory in the assembly elections held in Chhattisgarh. The party won 70 out of 90 seats. Along with this, Vishnudev Sai has been elected the new Chief Minister of the state. Say is a tribal…