BJP candidate Mukesh Dalal has been elected unopposed from the Surat Lok Sabha seat after Congress candidate Nilesh Kumbhani’s nomination papers were rejected. Dalal received his certificate from the District Election Officer on April 22, 2024. On the final day for withdrawing nominations, eight candidates, including Pyarelal Bharti of the…
Tag: ##Bahujan Samaj Party
BJP to Contest Lok Sabha Elections Independently in Punjab
On March 26, amidst discussions between the Shiromani Akali Dal and the BJP regarding their alliance for the parliamentary polls, the BJP announced its decision to contest the Lok Sabha elections independently in Punjab. This declaration followed feedback from people and party workers, highlighting the BJP’s determination to go solo…
BSP plays roulette in lonely gamble for power
It is a big gamble for BSP to contest alone. A new story has emerged in Indian politics. Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has decided to contest alone in the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections. This decision is a big gamble for BSP in many ways. First of all, it is a…