Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is starting preparations for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections under Mission 400. The party will announce the names of some candidates in February. There will be a jumbo meeting in Delhi later this month, in which the election strategy will be discussed. The party will announce…
Tag: ##Delhi
India Bloc Leads Nationwide Protest Against Suspension of MPs
Democracy in Peril! INDIA Bloc Rallies Against Unprecedented MP Suspension (with an image of a large, passionate crowd at the Jantar Mantar protest, holding aloft the “Save Democracy” banner) main point: India Bloc leaders protested under the ‘Save Democracy’ banner at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on Friday. Nationalist Congress Party…
Delhi Schools: Winter Break Slashed, Ends January 6th
Originally planned to last 15 days, the winter break will now begin on January 1 and end on January 6, 2024. This decision follows the earlier school shutdown from November 9 to November 18, 2023, due to high pollution levels in the city. The Directorate of Education decided to adjust…