Union Home Minister Amit Shah told the Lok Sabha that the Center is planning to bring an amendment to the Criminal Law Bill, which aims to exempt doctors from criminal prosecution in cases of death due to medical negligence. The announcement was welcomed by doctors and various medical associations, who…
Tag: ###Home Minister
Mohan Yadav’s Rise: Sworn in as Madhya Pradesh’s 19th Chief Minister
Mohan Yadav, the surprise choice for Madhya Pradesh’s top job, was officially sworn in as the state’s 19th Chief Minister on Wednesday. The ceremony, held at Bhopal’s Lal Parade Ground, saw Yadav take the oath of office and secrecy alongside his two deputies, Jagdish Devda and Rajendra Shukla. The ceremony…
Amit Shah: Article 370 Abrogation Upheld by Supreme Court
Amit Shah Ji’s Speech in Rajya Sabha on Article 370 On December 11, 2023, Union Home Minister Amit Shah delivered a speech in Rajya Sabha on the abrogation of Article 370. He began his speech by thanking the Supreme Court for its verdict upholding the government’s decision. Shah then went…