The Lok Sabha witnessed heated debates on Tuesday as the government introduced the Constitution (129th Amendment) Bill, aiming to facilitate simultaneous federal and state elections under the BJP’s ambitious ‘One Nation, One Election’ proposal. The bill, introduced by Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal, was passed for discussion with a simple…
Tag: One Election
Opposition Parties Plan to Challenge ‘One Nation, One Election’ Bill as Government Seeks Joint Parliamentary Committee Review
The Union Cabinet has given its approval to introduce the controversial “One Nation, One Election Bill” in Parliament, which aims to synchronize the elections for the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies. However, the proposal has drawn sharp criticism from several opposition leaders, who have labeled it as a threat to…
Amit Shah Pledges Uniform Civil Code and Simultaneous Elections
Lok Sabha Elections: Amit Shah has asserted that the BJP will secure a larger victory in opposition-ruled states due to a “positive mandate” for Prime Minister Modi. Union Home Minister Amit Shah declared on Sunday that if the Narendra Modi government returns to power, the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) will…
“Amit Shah Interview: Opposition Criticizes EVMs Selectively, Says Home Minister”
In an exclusive interview with Network18 Group Editor-in-Chief Rahul Joshi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah dismissed allegations by the Opposition regarding EVM tampering and the Bharatiya Janata Party’s alleged benefit from such practices. Shah criticized the Opposition’s tendency to question the election process only when the results are unfavourable to…
BJP Champions “One Nation, One Election” Concept, But Questions Linger
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has emerged as a key proponent of the “One Nation, One Election” (ONE) proposal, throwing its weight behind the concept during a recent meeting with the High Level Committee (HLC) tasked with assessing its feasibility. This move by the ruling party adds a significant layer…
One Nation, One Election: Unveiling the Complexities of a Transformative Reform
The High-Level Committee (HLC) on One Nation One Election (ONE), spearheaded by former President Shri Ram Nath Kovind, has embarked on a critical phase of consultations with State Election Commissioners (SECs). This dialogue, initiated on February 9th, 2024, marks a pivotal step in evaluating the feasibility and ramifications of potentially…