The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has secured a resounding victory in the Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2023, winning 114 seats and achieving an absolute majority. The Indian National Congress (INC), which ruled the state for the past five years, suffered a severe blow, securing only 71 seats. Other parties and independent…
Tag: #Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2023
Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2023: BJP Emerges Victorious, Claims Majority
In a decisive outcome for the Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2023, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has emerged victorious, securing a clear majority. The counting of votes began at 8:00 AM, with ballot papers being counted first. Key Updates from the Election Results: The BJP secured a commanding lead, with 114…
Violence and Chaos Erupt During Rajasthan Assembly Elections
Unrest Disrupts Voting Process in Rajasthan: Clashes, Allegations of Fake Voting Mar Election Day The second phase of voting in the Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2023 was marred by violence and irregularities in four districts of the state – Sikar, Churu, Bharatpur, and Tonk. Incidents of alleged fake voting, obstruction of…