Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday praised the singing of Bihar singer Maithili Thakur. He praised Maithili Thakur’s song on Maa Shabari. Maithili Thakur has sung many songs based on the stories of Ramayana. Preparations for the consecration program of Ram mandir in Ayodhya are going on in full swing….
Tag: ##Ram mandir ‘Pran Pratishtha’
Ayodhya Mandir Consecration: Day 1
Pran consecration ceremony of Ram mandir in Ayodhya starts today. After the construction of the Ram mandir in Ayodhya, the Pran Pratishtha ceremony is being organized. The celebrations will begin today, January 16, 2024, and continue till January 22, 2024. Many religious rituals will be performed during the ceremony. On…
BJP’s reaction to Rahul Gandhi’s Modi event statement
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had described the Ram Mandir consecration ceremony as a BJP-RSS program. BJP leader Rajiv Chandrashekhar reacted sharply to this statement of Gandhi. Chandrashekhar said that Gandhi lives in this “la-la” world and his politics is understood by the people of India. He said that Ram temple…