In a solemn ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhavan on March 30, 2024, President Droupadi Murmu bestowed the esteemed Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honour, upon former Prime Ministers PV Narasimha Rao and Chaudhary Charan Singh, as well as agricultural scientist MS Swaminathan and former Bihar Chief Minister Karpoori Thakur, all…
Tag: Rashtrapati Bhavan
Rashtrapati Bhavan Celebrates Inclusion with Vibrant ‘Purple Fest’
The majestic Rashtrapati Bhavan hosted a day-long celebration of inclusivity called the ‘Purple Fest’ on February 26, 2024. This event, organized by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, aimed to raise awareness about disabilities and promote the acceptance and inclusion of persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) within society. The President…
President Murmu Witnesses Changing of the Guard at Rashtrapati Bhavan
Under the watchful gaze of President Draupadi Murmu, the Rashtrapati Bhavan witnessed a timeless tradition unfold on February 11th, 2024. The rhythmic thud of boots echoed through the courtyard, marking the Ceremonial Change-over of the Army Guard Battalion. This wasn’t merely a display of precision drills; it was a poignant…